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Hitchin Rugby Limited


Team Management

Girls Mngr: Dermott Coughlan
E: dermot@kelly.co.uk 
M: 07970 229801




U13Gs: Yr6-Yr8
Coach: Chris Watts
E: chriswatts04@gmail.com
M: 07557 392912



U15Gs: Yr9-Yr10
Coach: Eddie Rennell
E: eddierennell@hotmail.com
M: 07793 943586

Coach: Marc d'Onofrio
E: marc.donofrio@yahoo.com
M: 07909 957526

Coach: Kate Carpenter
E: carpenter.kate@gmail.com
M: 07912 358539

Coach: Ross Lawley
E: ross.lawley@gmail.com
M: 07717 777172


U18Gs: Yr11+
Coach: Martin Prior
E: martin@the4priors.com
M: 07785 993665

Coach: Neil Gregory
E: neilgregory1@live.co.uk
M: 07794 329703


Membership enquiry: 


Welcome to Girls Youth Rugby

 Girls under 13s: September 2019


 Girls under 15s: September 2019

Girls under 18s: September 2019




2019-2020 Season
Training is at the King George V Playing Fields


11:00am onward.


7:00pm onward

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Hitchin Rugby Limited, King George V Playing Fields, Old Hale Way, Hitchin, Hertfordshire SG5 1XL England, Charity No. 1159772
enquiries@hitchinrugby.com T: +44 (0)1462 432679